umikaze translations

Changing things up



Start over bunny!?

Getting tired of the lack of updates? I was, too. So I’m changing things up here, which will hopefully jump-start progress. Hatsuyuki Sakura is now an Umikaze project. The new translator is Sachibelle, a translator on Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni for Spider Lily Translations. While we will be starting over from scratch, there shouldn’t be any months-long gaps in progress updates anymore.

18 thoughts on “Changing things up

  1. pya’s, bunny’s, and one of the best openings ever? oh my!

  2. It sucks that you’re starting from scratch but I’m confident that the new translator will do a good job and catch up on the progress. Good luck, Sachibelle!
    Any news on the FH project?

    • It’s been going really slow because I’ve spent all my time trying to get things straightened out with HatsuSaku. Right now, my plan is to work on FH while she’s translating, then switch over to editing mode when I receive a batch of HS files.

      • Alright, good to hear that at least it wasn’t completely stalled/abandoned.
        No problem with taking your time as long as it helps bring a better result šŸ™‚

  3. do you know what happened for why it needed to be restarted?
    translator just wanted to do from clean slate?

    • For various reasons, I left the joint HatsuSaku project that I’d been editing for previously. This is a separate project, with a different translator. I wouldn’t feel right using someone else’s translated scripts.

      • i think i know why now,

        because zky wanted them redone

      • Yay, somebody else is picking it up and I think I’ve seen enough of Higanbana to know that Sachibelle will do a good job :). I considered picking up that editing job and I have a feeling that the reason I didn’t apply after reading the sample scripts might be exactly why you might’ve quit.

        If I get bored I might still try experimenting with those omv files (the ones used for the various ending movies) to see if it wouldn’t be too hard to add subtitles to them – would that be useful for you or have you already figured that out?

  4. Thank you for restarting the project! I really want to play this game badly! it looks awesome šŸ˜€

  5. “Hatsuyuki Sakura is now an Umikaze project”? I am from VNSociety and we have NEVER announced that we dropped this project. I think you guys are misunderstanding, and you should have at least asked, or done your research.

    Yes, our main translator – who was translating Hatsuyuki Sakura – retired. That isn’t to say that we have dropped the project. Actually, we have very specifically stated that “For now this project is officially STALLED due to no translator” – not DROPPED. The point was bolded in the original post for a reason. Meaning we had to sort things out before continuing with the project.

    Furthermore, that message from Zky ( was left on Assembla, meaning that it was directed towards translators in our group who wanted to translate it – and trust me, there are plenty.

    I am currently more than 50% done the scripts, and I am actually quite offended that:
    1) You did not consult us.
    2) You took advantage of the confusion and labelled it as YOUR project.
    3) You are wasting me and Zky’s time and effort.

    I am not sure what kind of misunderstandings you guys had about this, but maybe it was lack of communication. If that’s the case, then we are partially at fault, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

    • You can still continue with your own project though?

      • Having two projects is not only confusing to the community – but also pointless. It is unfair to both our group, and to the translator of Umikaze, Sachibelle – as her time and effort will be more or less wasted.

        That being said, they are using OUR scripts without permission – we are the ones who extracted, and formatted everything. In essence, the translator we hired to work on OUR script stole them and brought them back over to his OWN translation group; all the while claiming the project is now theirs.

  6. the editor we hired*

  7. Have you guys considered a joint project again since vnsociety already has the technical expertise including photoshoppers. You can pretend that you’re definitely able to finish a project all you want like everyone does (just like everyone think they’re an above average driver) but the fact of the matter is that a VN is so massive that it has a high chance of being dropped before translation completes and every time it’s dropped there’s a high chance of someone wanting to start from scratch no matter the quality of the scripts. If this is true, isn’t the sharing of work a safer option?

  8. So, what exactly would you suggest people to do? From what I’ve read here, it seems like you want this project to stop (or at least stop working alone) as it is using your scripts and your own project wasn’t even cancelled in the first place. Are you actively looking for a new translator to get your own project going again?

  9. Meant to reply to edmond321, anonii submited his comment while I was writing mine.

    • I am the current project leader of the project – I will be doing both translating and editing. With that being said, I wouldn’t mind hiring another translator to speed things along (since my predecessor has thrown so much time out the window), but I have high standards and I will only hire someone I can completely trust.

  10. Okay, folks, that’s enough. Somebody out there got Sacchin so mixed up that she thought we were dropping the project. Not cool.